2/17/22 SER & VOCABULARY Mastery

Hoy es el diecisiete de febrero de dos mill veintidos

Objective:  Students will demonstrate mastery of the verb SER both it's conjugation and  it's use.  They will demonstrate they have learned all new vocabulary terms


Learning Activities:

  1. Listening Comprehension  
    • Compile 20 vocabulary words
  2. Study Buddy ALL Unit 4 vocabulary terms
    • Adjectives
    • Subject Pronouns
    • Colors
    • Body 
    • You may wish to review class room objects as well
  3. Review SER, uses (DOCTOR) and conjugation.
  4. Write and Upload 10 complex sentences using new vocabulary.
    • Cannot be turned in late
    • WIll be graded by peers on Tuesday.
  5. SER exam