Subject pronouns-Escuchar

  • Due Feb 3, 2022 at 11:59pm
  • Points 4
  • Questions 9
  • Available Feb 3, 2022 at 12am - Mar 9, 2022 at 3:30pm
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts 5


Subject Pronouns Listening Comprehnsion Mastery

Listen to the following definitions and select the correct subject pronoun.  If in school you must wear headphones to complete this activity. Please note you may complete the activity twice to receive full credit. If you do not master (receive a 100% or "4") on listening comprehension of the Subject Pronouns please ask to be requested for Pridetime so that you can learn and retake the exam.  In some cases the speaker will use the Subject pronoun and you don't need to replace it.  Listen carefully so you can recognize when you are replacing the noun, and when you are listening to hear the pronoun. 


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